

Click on this image for a Google map of our designated roadways.

May 2014

After considerable discussion among our HMN board members about safety concerns along Spring Creek Road in Bridgewater, we decided to go ahead and give it a try as our adopted road for keeping clean of litter. Conveniently located for a majority of our membership, needy and visible, the ~ 2.4 mile stretch of Spring Creek Rd. between Gardners Lane and Sangersville Rd. may sport our name on Adopt-a-Highway signs after two trash pickups.

The Virginia Department of Transportation Adopt-a-Highway program provides interested groups or individuals with guidelines, vests, trash bags, caution signs and their names on roadsigns at either ends of their adopted roads in exchange for a three year commitment to twice yearly road trash removal.

Although not as needy, we added an adjacent 1.6 mile stretch of graveled Mossy Creek Rd. from Spring Creek Rd. to the Rockingham/ Augusta County line to our designated roadways. It may serve as an interesting “nature” walk as it parallels Mossy Creek and has potential for water bird and mammal sitings.

Click on this image to find the Adopt-a-Highway guidelines as a pdf.

Click on this image to find the Adopt-a-Highway guidelines.

Bluestone Vineyards has offered their parking area as a meeting spot to then shuttle ourselves to the ends of our roads and walk back picking up the litter.

Our first trash pick up is scheduled for Wednesday, June 18, 9:30 AM, at the Bluestone Vineyards parking area, 4828 Spring Creek Rd., Bridgewater. Contact Adrie.

Check out photos from my walk along Spring Creek Rd. in mid-May to weigh the pros and cons of taking on this stretch of road. Nice view, bad traffic, poison ivy, milkweeds, wild asparagus, interesting road kill …

– Adrie Voors, May 2014